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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Year-by-Year Apostasy of the SDA Church
![]() 1855 - God's frown brought upon the church (Testimonies, vol 1, p 122).
1856 - None but the pure and holy acknowledged by God (Testimonies, vol 1, p 133).
1857 - Church declared to be lukewarm (Testimonies, vol 1, p 141).
1859 - Denounced as Laodicea. Christ's presence departed. Called to repent (Testimonies, vol 1, p 186).
1862 - Distance lessening between world (Testimonies, vol 1, p 277).
1865 - Work of God stayed (Testimonies, vol 1, p 466). Ministers called to be re-converted and purified
(Testimonies, vol 1, p 469).
1868 - Ministers declared unfaithful. Departed from light. Allowed Satan to plant his hellish banner in the
midst of the church (Testimonies, vol 2, p 440).
1873 - Will not receive correction, reproof, or warnings. Spiritual blindness results. Condition is
condemned (Testimonies, vol 3, p 255).
1875 - Satan's chief work is at headquarters of SDA faith. Warned if heart of work corrupted, then
testimonies, pillars, Scriptures doubted, and incurable rebellion until destroyed (Testimonies, vol 4, p 210-211).
1876 - Warning that God's power cannot uphold if warnings, counsels, and reproofs despised
(Testimonies, vol 4, p 180). Destruction of Jerusalem as example (Testimonies, vol 4, p 166-167).
1879 - Reproofs and warnings unheeded. Christ mourns (Review and Herald, vol 1, p 207-209).
Dishonesty practiced throughout (Testimonies, vol 4, p 310).
1881 - Spirit of perjury active. Truth being turned into falsehood (Testimonies, vol 5, p 94-95).
1882 - Many to loose eternal life (Testimonies, vol 5, p 49). Assimilating to world (Testimonies, vol 5, p 64,
190). Following same path as Israel (Testimonies, vol 5, p 94). Ministers corrupt (Testimonies, vol 5, p 78). Church corrupt (Testimonies, vol 5, p 79). Prevailing spirit is apostasy (Testimonies, vol 5, p 79). Warning of church becoming an harlot (Review and Herald, vol 1, p 337-338).
1883 - All given opportunity to manifest true spirit (Selected Messages, book 3, p 414).
1885 - Greater failure seen in SDA's than was seen in Jewish church. Terrible amount of guilt responsible
for. Light being withheld (Testimonies, vol 5, p 456-457).
1886 - Repent of candlestick removed (Review and Herald, vol 2, p 89-90). Internal corruptions to destroy
church like Jerusalem (Selected Messages, book 2, p 378). God's true church not to fall
(Selected Messages, book 2, p 380). Message to awake from the dead (Selected Messages, book 2, p 382).
1887 - Whole church never revivable. More to fear from within than from world. Satan plans to never
awaken to true condition. Deceptions abound (Review and Herald, vol 2, p 121-122).
1888 - If proclaim third angel's message, then receive Latter Rain. General Conference meeting held at
Minneapolis. Latter Rain rejected (Selected Messages, book 1, p 234-235; Testimonies to Ministers, p 468). Light kept from people (Review and Herald, vol 2, p 266).
1889 - God's rebuke upon church (Testimonies, vol 5, p 719). Human wisdom exalted (Testimonies, vol 5,
p 707). Most dangerous snares to come from own brethren (Testimonies, vol 5, p 477).
1890 - Satan to work through leadership (Selected Messages, book 1, p 407). Confederating with world
(Testimonies to Ministers, p 462-463). Reproof rejected (Testimonies to Ministers, p 465). Same evil spirit from Minneapolis active (Testimonies to Ministers, p 467). Baal is the choice of
many (Testimonies to Ministers, p 467-468). Sacred trusts betrayed (Testimonies to Ministers, p 471). Lack of moral and spiritual power throughout conferences. Greatest evils in largest churches. Church has fallen (Review and Herald, vol 2, p 453)!
1891 - Warning if unite with world, the church would become Babylon (Testimonies to Ministers, p 265)!
Satan's image upon work (Testimonies to Ministers, p 277).
1892 - Warning to cease to depend upon pastors and teachers for the truth (Manuscript Release #1200, p
11--Letter 19d, Sept 1, 1892).
1893 - Professed SDA's to be brought down to hell, and church to be ruins (Review and Herald, vol 3,
p 69). Warning of false teachers in church (Review and Herald, vol 5, p 9).
1894 - Many to stand in church pulpits with the hellish torch of Satan. Faithful ministers to be removed
(Testimonies to Ministers, p 409-410). Distance to papacy lessening (Signs of the Times, vol 3, p 99). God's truth misrepresented. People asleep. God is dishonored (Review and Herald, vol 3, p 173-176).
1895 - Warning that soon many to loose eternal life (Testimonies to Ministers, p 97). General Conference
to control all institutions. General Conference becoming corrupt (Testimonies to Ministers, p 359).
Following in the track of Romanism (Testimonies to Ministers, p 362).
1896 - Warning not to respect voice of General Conference (Spalding and Magan Collection, p 35--Letter
81, May 31, 1896). Evil spirit of Minneapolis still cherished by General Conference (Testimonies
to Ministers, p 76), and will continue to be cherished (Spalding and Magan Collection, p 35).
General Conference not to be as God to the people (Spalding and Magan Collection, p 35). Warning not to lower the importance of the Sabbath (Selected Messages, book 2, p 384-385). History of Jewish nation to be repeated in SDA church (Selected Messages, book 2, p 111).
1897 - Many will give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (Selected Messages, book 2, p 392).
Rebellion and apostasy in very midst of church (Selected Messages, book 2, p 394). True SDA's
to denounce as such (Selected Messages, book 2, p 395). Those who apostatize voice words of the dragon (Selected Messages, book 2, p 395). Unbelief is established (Selected Messages, book 2, p 147). God's faithful ministers being removed (Testimonies to Ministers, p 410). Warning that Jerusalem became Babylon (Selected Messages, book 3, p 417).
1898 - If continue disobedience than Jerusalem represents SDA church. Christ weeps (Testimonies, vol 8,
p 67-68). Cause of Christ to be betrayed (Review and Herald, vol 3, p 571).
1899 - God's Sabbath to be given up if church unites in politics and with world (Signs of the Times, vol 4, p
77). Church unites in politics and with the papacy (SDA Bible Commentary, vol 4, p 1168-1169)!
1900 - Church unites with the world (Testimonies, vol 8, p 118-119; This Day With God, p 28; Christ’s
Object Lessons, p 315-316; Last Day Events from the Letters and Manuscripts of EG White, p 55--Manuscript 44, 1900).
1901 - General Conference no longer as voice of God to SDA people (1901 General Conference Bulletin,
p 25). Latter Rain rejected again! Leaders told God's Spirit to go away, and that they would call for Him when they wanted Him (Battle Creek Letters, p 55-56--Letter 123, Aug 5, 1902 [reference back to 1901]).
1902 - SDA's have been humiliated by leadership. Departed from landmarks and faith. Not to depend on
them (Battle Creek Letters, p 53--Letter 128, July 6, 1902).
1903 - SDA church denounced as harlot of Babylon (Testimonies, vol 8, p 247-250). Many lost eternal life
(Upward Look, p 301). Satan to reform church, through leadership, in series of apostasy
(Selected Messages, book 1, p 204-205). Very elect to be deceived if possible (Special Testimonies, Series B#7, p 6--Nov 27, 1903).
1904 - Some leadership under guidance of evil angels (Special Testimonies, Series B#2, p 19--June,
1904). God condemns them (Special Testimonies, Series B#2, p 24). True SDA's not to follow leadership (Special Testimonies, Series B#2, p 8-9--July 25, 1904), but must speak out and expose deceptions (Special Testimonies, Series B#2, p 15--July 24, 1904).
1905 - Traitors among SDA's (Special Testimonies, Series B#&, p 15--Nov 20, 1905). Christ calls God's
true people to come out and be separate (Special Testimonies, Series B#7, p 63-64--Nov, 1905). If accept false theories, then apostasy from the truth occurs (Selected Messages, book 2, 290).
1906 - Spirit of wickedness at work in church to make void the law of God (Paulson Collection, p 60--July 4,
1907 - False theories accepted (Selected Messages, book 2, p 397). Apostasy occurs (Selected
Messages, book 3, p 408), so Series of Apostasy begun.
1908 - Satan more active than ever to trap souls (Review and Herald, vol 5, p 468).
1909 - Pay being withheld from workers who will not go along with Conference. Call to break bands and
fetters of church. A false experience coming in to control minds (Testimonies to Ministers, p 477-481).
1913 - Men and institutions departing from God's principles, and failing to do the very work which God
ordained should be done (Southern Union Worker, Oct 16, 1913).
1949 - Review and Herald requests that Elder D.E. Rebok revise Bible Readings for the Home Circle,
deleting twice that Christ came in sinful flesh (compare with 1916 edition p 174). Regarding this issue see Desire of Ages p 49; Selected Messages, book 1, p 408; Great Controversy, p 421-22, 429; Manuscript 50, 1900.
1955 - SDA leadership repudiated Seventh-day Sabbath keeping as a basis for salvation to Martin and
Barnhouse. On this issue see SDA Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 970; Testimonies, vol 6, p 350; Counsels to Writers and Editors, p 94-95; Special Testimonies, Series B#2, p 51.
1957 - In Questions On Doctrine by the Review and Herald Press, on p 381, it is denied that Jesus is our
High Priest atoning for us now in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary. It states that "He had already obtained it for us on the cross." M.L. Andreasen was disfellowshipped for objecting to Questions On Doctrine.
1966 - In Ministry Magazine of March, 1966, Leroy Froom states: "Today the old largely negative
approach--emphasizing chiefly the things wherein we differ from all other religious groups--is past, definitely past." Also in the same magazine in June, 1966, Howard Weeks states: "If in expectation of a larger prophetic role amid these trends Adventists should gird up their evangelistic lions they would find themselves in step with other evangelicals who share their concern...The Adventist church today is better prepared to make common cause with these other evangelicals than at any previous time in its history....The denomination is more definitely oriented than ever to the historic evangelical concepts....The heavy, sometimes bellicose, emphasis on the law and the Sabbath in times past undoubtedly struck more raw nerves...in contrast today, with a clear assert of the denomination's evangelical heritage...a new era of evangelistic emphasis and membership growth..."
1969 - The Autumn Council, as reported in Review and Herald, Dec 18, 1969, voted that
"Whereas...voted...departmental plans...to create a public image...set salvation within the reach of the multitudes...to place emphasis on the noncontroversial truths shared in common with all Christianity."
1971 - Review and Herald publishes Movement of Destiny, by Leroy Froom, in which he states: "He (Christ)
was perfect in His humanity, but He was none-the-less God; and His conception in His incarnation was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit so that He did not partake of the fallen, sinful nature of other men." Regarding this issue see Desire of Ages, p 117; SDA Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 929; Review and Herald, vol 1, p 143; Spirit of Prophecy, vol 2, p 39.
1975 - General Conference President--Neal C. Wilson--states under oath in Court: "Although it is true that
there was a period in the life of the Seventh-day Adventist church when the denomination took a
distinctly anti-Roman Catholic viewpoint, and the term 'hierarchy' was used in a pejorative sense to refer to the papal form of church governance, that attitude on the church's part was nothing more than a manifestation of widespread anti-popery among conservative protestant denominations in the early part of this century and the latter part of the last, and which has now been consigned to the historical trash heap so far as the Seventh-day Adventist church is concerned." Reply Brief for the Defendant, p 4, case #C-74-2025 CBR. March 30, 1975. In 1985, Neal Wilson denied ever making such a statement. He states: "Our position is not changed. But our work is not to denounce the Roman Catholic church. We speak the truth and let the truth do the cutting. We have not consigned anything to the 'trash heap,' as one publication has charged. We are not watering down or diluting the message. I regret that statements get into print that do not give an accurate picture." Pacific Union Recorder, Feb 18, 1985. (See Testimonies, vol 5, p 94-95 regarding perjury, and Testimonies to Ministers, p 304).
1977 - Samuel Bacchiocchi wrote From Sabbath To Sunday. In this book, he refers to Sunday as being
the Lord's day 51 times in the first 160 pages. (Regarding this issue, see Testimonies, vol 6, p 128; The Sanctified Life, p 74). On page 360 of Bacchiocchi's book, he states that the moral Sabbath was nailed to the cross. On page 163 he calls the moral Sabbath a Jewish institution, and on page 368 he calls the moral Sabbath ceremonial, and a shadow on page 356 and 369. (Regarding these issues, see Selected Messages, book 2, p 147-153).
1982 - The Sabbath in Scripture and History, published by the Review and Herald, states on page 127 that
the "Lord's day in Rev. 1:10...[possibly] refers to an annual resurrection celebration." And in the Spectrum Magazine vol 14, #3, Edward Vick states that the sanctuary doctrine is not needed now. (See Manuscript 46, May 18, 1904; Upward Look, p 152 regarding this issue). Also the 1000 Days of Reaping was initiated to bring in 1,000,000 new SDA's by lowering the standards. (See Testimonies, vol 6, p 144, 143; Spirit of Prophecy, vol 4, p 42-45 (Testimonies, vol 2, p 439-440 applies this to SDA's); Testimonies to Ministers, p 409-410; Spirit of Prophecy, vol 4, p 46; Special Testimonies, Series B#7, p 55; Special Testimonies, Series B#2, p 47; Selected Messages, book 3, p 412; Upward Look, p 88).
1984 - 1300 Hungarian SDA's were disfellowshipped for protesting against the church's membership in the
National Council of Free Churches. (See Testimonies to Ministers, p 79-80 about this. And for more on the SDA church's involvement with the World Council of Churches, read The World
Council of Churches and the SDA Church). Also the Ministry Magazine of Nov, 1984, on page 22 states; "In 1888 the direction of the Adventist church took an upward turn at the Minneapolis ministerial presession...and the church has not been the same since. "The 1985 World Ministers Council follows in the tradition of 1888." Ellen white stated about the church in 1888 that "The facts concerning the read condition of the professed people of God, speak more loudly than their profession, and make it evident that some power has cut the cable that anchored them to the Eternal Rock and they are drifting away to sea without chart and compass." Review and Herald, July 24, 1888. Ellen White also states; "In 1888 in the General Conference held at Minneapolis, Minn., the angel of Revelation 18 came down to do his work, and was ridiculed, criticized and rejected. And when the message he brings again, swells into a loud cry, it will again be ridiculed, spoken against and be rejected by the majority," E.G. White in "Taking Up A Reproach" cited in Some History, Some Experience, and Some Facts, p 1, by A.T. Jones.
1986 - The British Union Conference of SDA's upholds the British Sunday Trading Laws.
1989 - In the NAD guidelines for "Homecoming Emphasis During Year of Evangelism" on p 37, lines
30-35, it states the General Conferences' desire that every SDA pastor in the North American Division be trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming hypnosis, and that 200 SDA pastors have already been certified as trainers. In Selected Messages, book 2, 351, God tells us that when we see this, we are "near the close of probation."
1990 - Celebration enters the church and continues to spread, and in Selected Messages, book 2, p 336,
God tells us that when we see this, we are "just before the close of probation." Also on the cover of the August issue of Ministry Magazine, depicts the coming of the false Christ which they claim is the real Jesus. This picture is also loaded with occultic symbols and claimed by SDA leadership to be a great evangelistic tool in poster form.
1991 - Becoming a Master Student, by David Ellis, is required reading in most SDA colleges. It is Eastern
mystical spiritualism. Also The Cast, by Andrews University Seminary Pre-Year Book Staff, is illustrated with Roman Catholic art work throughout, and which Ellen White strongly objected to (see Manuscript Release #663, Letter 81a, Dec 20, 1897).
1990's - 2000's - SDA periodicals, especially the children's magazines, continues to be loaded with New
Age, occultic, and satanic signs and symbols hidden, and not so hidden, in the artwork. Also personality typing (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy, and etc.) continues to be popular, and is derived from Babylonian astrology.
1980's - 2000's - Pagan Easter Sunrise Services at SDA churches.
1980's - 2000's - Sunday Services at SDA churches. In fact, in 1867 Ellen White foresaw the SDA church
becoming Catholic! (see Testimonies, vol 1, p 578). And in the Adventist Review of March 5, 1981, on page 3, Neal Wilson states: "...there is another universal and truly catholic organization, the Seventh-day Adventist Church."
For more information, please visit www.SDAapostasy.org, also please read The Abomination of Desolation and Church History–Second Edition. You can also see The Roman SDA Movie.
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